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International iPads Arriving Ahead Of Schedule?

May 25, 2010

As we've told you before, the iPad is due to hit nine new countries this Friday and the shipments are already on their way. There is nothing really surprising about that as UPS' estimates for a standard delivery option guarantee the arrival of the packages by Friday the 28th.

When checking my iPad delivery status on UPS for the 200th time this morning however, I noticed one little interesting detail; it's shipped using UPS Saver, a faster option. I of course jumped right away on the estimation tool which in turn told me that this would grant me a delivery on the 26th actually, or two days early. While this news was of course very welcome, it didn't rule out the possibility of Apple blocking the deliveries until Friday like it did in the US. Well, good news because it apparently isn't so.

Indeed, it seems like the iPad is actually arriving early in the end as one lucky iPadevice's reader already got his. As you can see from the unboxing video he posted, it packs an European plug which makes it look very much legit. Check it out:

Of course, this could just be a mistake.

How are your orders coming along?

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