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AmpKit: Rock Your iPhone With Pedals And Amps

June 18, 2010

Agile Partners, the Apple Design Award winning developers that brought us TabToolkit and GuitarToolkit are due to submit something new to the App Store under the name of AmpKit - an app that turns your iPhone into an effects board that allows you to add and alter pedal, amp, cabinet and mic combinations. This is all made possible through the Peavey manufactured AmpKit Link, a device which easily connects your electric guitar to your iPhone, and includes an audio out for headphones, powered speakers or a PA.

Once you've established a connection between your guitar and iPhone, the fun can begin. With a whole host of effects pedals, amplifiers, cabinets and microphones for you to choose from, it would be impossible to say that AmpKit lacks features.

Each amp in AmpKit is modelled after the real amp's circuitry, and includes individual controls that match up with the most important knobs and switches on the actual amp. The same applies to the pedals, cabinets and microphones available in AmpKit: they're all legitimate representations of the real things. The application itself comes with a basic range of pedals, amps, cabinets and microphones. All others are available for purchase through AmpKit's in-app Gear Store, which is a bit disappointing (though this really depends on the app's basic price, which we're not sure of yet). Key features of the app include:
  • Recording and Reamping: AmpKit can record as you play - and this recording can later be altered through different amp setups.
  • Backing tracks: upload your favorite songs and play along, or record your own backing tracks.
  • Tuner and Metronome: AmpKit also includes an ultra-precise tuner and metronome; essentials for any musician.
You can check out a video explaining the premise behind AmpKit and AmpKit Link below. In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled - we'll be updating the article as soon as we know more about the app!

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Agile Partners
Agile Partners
Agile Partners

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