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iPads Given To Stanford Medical Students

July 31, 2010

According to a recent report by Apple Insider, Stanford University's School of Medicine is handing out iPads to med students. First year medical students and Master of Medicine students are the privileged bunch who'll be receiving Apple iPads in a move the university is confident in supporting. Four main reasons for the introduction of the iPad have been outlined, and they are as follows:
  • The iPad "creates opportunities for efficient, mobile, and innovative learning."
  • The technology is flexible; allows for annotations, sharing, etc.
  • High quality information able to be accessed at any time.
  • Replaces printed notes with PDFs.
And, as you may already know, Stanford isn't the only institution implementing the iPad within a college syllabus this fall. Indeed, it seems as if Apple's "magical and revolutionary" device has had quite an impact on the world of academia. Sadly, my UK college isn't going to be handing out iPads to any of its students this year - though I will be using mine to cut down on printing costs. If you want to find out more about how you can make your iPad "college-ready," be sure to take a look at our great AppList!

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