StarCraft II Playable On Your iPhone & iPad - Just Not The Way You Think
August 31, 2010
While a StarCraft game for the iPhone and iPad would be hugely popular, Blizzard has said they have no current plans to release such a game. As an alternative, one developer is planning to bring StarCraft II to the iPhone and iPad in a unique way.
The graphics of StarCraft II require hardware that no iDevice, and most Macs, can provide. Trying to remote control a computer running the game would be buggy and slow. To get around these hurdles, this developer decided to create a completely different interface for the game.
Expected to be in the App Store next month, "StarCraft 2 Gameboard" for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch will let users perform many of their regular tasks such as unit building. The app connects to a client program on your Windows PC to turn your iDevice into a secondary control system for your game. No details have been posted so far, but the developer has stated that they will post details starting tomorrow on their website, sc2gameboard.com, leading up to the application's release.
While we have seen several apps that use the iPhone as a controller for an iPad or website game, this is one of the first examples of using an iDevice as a secondary controller for a full-fledged RTS game.
What do you think? Are you excited to use your iDevice with StarCraft II, or is there another game for which you would like to see a similar app? Let us know your thoughts in the comments box below.