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Ping is here as a part of the most recent iTunes updates for your computer and iPhone. We're here to help you understand the ins-and-outs of the first social network from Apple.
Ping is here as a part of the most recent iTunes updates for your computer and iPhone. We're here to help you understand the ins-and-outs of the first social network from Apple.
At today's fall Apple announcement, the most innovative and interesting iPod nano ever created was demoed.
As an introduction to Apple's fall product announcements, Steve Jobs shared some pretty impressive numbers about iOS.
As we reported back in July, Apple has been manufacturing a small touchscreen for inclusion in an unknown future device. It appears that we finally know what it's for.
While a StarCraft game for the iPhone and iPad would be hugely popular, Blizzard has said they have no current plans to release such a game. As an alternative, one developer is planning to bring StarCraft II to the iPhone and iPad in a unique way.
Flud is a newcomer to the iPad visual newsreader market. Now, only three weeks after its initial release, it has already received a major update.
Qualcomm, a leading manufacturer of CDMA radio chips like those used in Verizon's Android offerings, is now looking for an iPhone developer.
While the "HP iPrint Photo" was originally created to simply print photos wirelessly to HP printers, it has grown into much more.
Tapbots, the makers of successful apps such as Calcbot, Pastebot, Convertbot and Weightbot is apparently hard at work on a new bot app to help us manage our lives.
While Apple definitely hasn't suffered in the current economy, it appears that the future is even brighter for what was an underdog tech company less than 10 years ago.
While viewed as a netbook alternative, one accessory manufacturer lets iPad owners "have their cake and eat it too."
With rumors abound for an upcoming Apple TV replacement and new TV show pricing, it appears that we only have to wait until September 7th to find out the answers.
While the iPhone's GPS won't help you navigate on the Moon, the iPhone's camera can be a great way to take pictures of it.
While the developer of Facebook for the iPhone & iPod Touch famously quit in 2009 because he disliked the App store and its policies, the app has lived on.
While it is obvious the App Store is a resounding success, it is interesting to see how it stacks up against other mobile app markets.
It is hard to say whether this is a true white iPhone 4, or a great knockoff, but either way one Apple fan has what many of us crave.
If you use one of the location-based apps like Foursquare or Gowalla, then you've probably asked, "Why would you want to do something like that?" Now there is a location-based app that has a reason for being.
While the App Store's "Top Apps" charts have always given equal billing to both free and paid apps, it appears that the equality has finally come to an end.
Need to find someone to deal with the worst apps in the App Store? Hire the guy who wrote them.
While Apple is good at keeping many things secret, they find it impossible to keep those secrets, secret. In a recent find, the code names for three new Apple products are revealed.
Some call it a gadget and some call it a fad, but a new survey seems to show that this is anything but the case.
While we probably won't know until Apple wants us to know, it is very likely that U.S. customers will see an iPhone on Verizon's network within a year. The thing that everyone wants to know is: "What will this mean for sales?"
Colleges across the U.S. are testing out the idea of using iPads in place of textbooks. Now, thanks to one company, you can get almost every textbook you need on your iPad in one handy app.
For those who are not Muslim, you may not know that Ramadan has begun or even what it is. Many of those who are Muslim are observing this centuries-old tradition, and are doing so in a new way thanks to their iPhone or iPad.