New "Fashion" Section Appears In App Store
by Joe White
September 19, 2010
If you're a fashion freak, then we have some great news for you today! Apple has just launched a new "fashion" section in its App Store, which is live and ready to view now. The recent addition is made up of four sub-sections; "Covering the Scene," "In Your Closet," "Designers," and "Buy the Look." Each houses a variety of different fashion-centric apps, which are ready to judge, add to, or improve your look now!
Covering the Scene includes fashion press applications, while In Your Closet aids users in developing their own unique fashion sense. Designers includes apps which help users keep up to date with the latest designer trends. Lastly, Buy the Look is pretty self-explanatory: this section houses a variety of applications which help users splash the cash, and get the wardrobe they desire.
As MacStories reports, the fashion section includes both free and paid apps. And, what's more, we've already seen several before. Remember Fashism, and eBay Fashion? Both of these popular fashion apps are currently being promoted in Apple's new App Store section.
So, what are you waiting for? If you pride yourself on knowing your Gucci from your Boss, be sure to hit the App Store and browse through Apple's hand picked selection of fashion-centric apps!