New Apple Ads: iTunes Store, App Store, iBookstore
by Joe White
March 17, 2011
Apple has recently added three new TV ads to both its website and YouTube channel. Each advertisement centers on one of the three stores (iTunes Store, App Store, iBookstore), and ends with the rather obvious statement: "If you haven't got an iPhone, well, you haven't got an iPhone."
Personally, I'm not a fan of these ads - entirely because of that last line. I'm probably being ridiculously oversensitive (I'm sure you'll let me know in the comments), but that line reeks of elitist superiority. If I watched these ads not owning an iPhone, I'm not sure how I'd feel - insulted/embarrassed/ashamed? Or, would the ads just lower my opinion of Apple in general?
Apple's TV ads are renowned for their elegance and style. They're undeniably cool, classy, and a pleasure to watch. However, they're also self congratulatory - something this ad takes a little too far.
We've embedded all three ads below. Take a look at them, and let us know what you think in the comments.