Preview Giveaway: Weddar - People Powered Weather Reporting, Launching On Monday
by Joe White
April 24, 2011
Weddar is an upcoming iOS app that allows users to report on the weather in their area via an iOS device. The application is scheduled to debut on April 25 (Monday), and will be available to download for free.
As you can see in the above screenshot, users of the app can quickly report on what the weather is like at their location. A total of nine options are available to choose from, ranging from "Hell" to "Freezing." Users can also set levels for "Cloudy," "Rainy," "Windy," and "Snowy" via a tab bar, at the bottom of the Report screen.
Once you've reported on the weather in your area, your report will appear on a map in the Check screen. Other reports will presumably appear here, too. Furthermore, users can check other locations (and make requests for weather reports for other locations), along with viewing statistics and searching for reports via this screen, too.
A Profile screen outlines everything about you: The reports you've made, locations you've tagged, points you've earned (via making reports), requests you've made, and more, can be viewed on this screen.
A leaderboard shows off the service's top contributors, and settings can also be toggled within the app. All in all, Weddar looks like a great app - and something iOS fans will undoubtedly enjoy.
However, if you want to try out Weddar - and climb its leaderboards - before Monday, we've got FOUR preview copies of Weddar to giveaway to our loyal readers. All you have to do is leave a comment at the bottom of this post or retweet it via Twitter. You must be following us (@AppAdvice) so we can contact winners - and if you leave a comment, be sure to enter a valid email address. The competition will run until this evening.
Good luck!