Change The Colors As You Grow The Square In Pixelated Plus Color Puzzle - Plus A Chance To Win!!

Pixelated Plus Color Puzzle ($0.99) by Juan Montero is a puzzle game consisting of many small colorful squares which you must turn into one single color across the entire board in a limited number of turns.
The default starting square is on the top left and will be of a certain color. However, it’s the color of the immediately adjacent squares that will affect what you do next.

By tapping one of the color buttons at the very bottom, you will turn the starting square into that color. If you turn the starting square into a color which matches a color from one of the adjacent squares, they will become connected.
You then continue matching those connected squares with surrounding colors and in this way you grow the connected area across the board.
Every time you change the color of your starting or connected squares, you use up one of your turns. The aim is to have a single color across the board by the time all of your turns have been used up. If you don’t, you’ll be shown what percentage of the board you were able to cover.

There are lots of options to choose from, which will affect how difficult the game is. You can have between six and eight colors and choose from 23, 27 or 32 turns. You can also make the game easier by changing the starting square from the top left to the center of the board.
Pixelated Plus Color Puzzle is a thought-provoking and engaging game. It’s the kind of app that will probably have you coming back for more for a long time and is well worth the asking price.
If you would like to win a copy, leave a comment below this post by Friday, November 11 at 5 p.m. PST with a real email address so we can contact the winners. The selection will be random. Good luck!