Apple Increases App Download Limit To A Massive 50MBs
by Joe White
March 7, 2012
Apple has just increased its App Store iOS application download size limit from 20 megabytes to a massive 50 megabytes.
This is big news. Previously, when using a cellular data network Apple fans could only download iOS applications of 20 megabytes or under - if users attempted to download a bigger app, a pop-up message interrupted the process, which explained that a wireless network was required in order to download sizeable applications.
However, after looking at Apple's API we discovered the company had increased the limit. The change came following Apple's announcement of an LTE-campaible iPad, moments ago in San Francisco, California.
The new limit is now in effect, and supports all kinds of media - music, video and apps.
For more information on Apple's new iPad, take a look at our roundup post. And be sure to share your thoughts on Apple's third-generation iPad in the comments!