The New iPad Ranks Best In New Consumer Reports Survey
April 2, 2012
Consumer Reports is out with the organization’s latest tablet survey and in a surprising twist, the new iPad scores best among the recommended tablets. This comes just weeks after the U.S. watchdog group found that Apple’s latest tablet runs hotter than its predecessor, the iPad 2.
In total, Consumer Reports rated 45 tablets, including ones from Samsung, Sony and Asus, among others. The new iPad is considered the best on the market and joins the Toshiba Excite 10LE, Patech Element, Sony Tablet P and Galaxy Tab 7.7 as the five most recommended tablets (by subscription only) available today.
Overall, the group said the iPad “establishes a new benchmark of excellence” and called its display “the best we’ve seen.” In fact, Consumer Reports said it is adjusting its standard for excellence in screens based on the new device.
In recommending Apple’s tablet, the organization noted the new iPad’s warmer temperatures were not a cause for concern, nor were rumored battery issues.
They state:
“…further tests of observations we made that the new iPad was not recharging when playing a demanding, intense video game, showed that the problem was limited to times when the device was playing a demanding game with the screen fully bright. Our high overall judgment of the new iPad was not affected by the results of either battery of tests.”In 2010, Consumer Reports was very critical of the iPhone 4, in what later became know as “antennagate.” The organization said that Apple’s then-newest handset didn’t work properly when held a certain way. Eventually, Apple offered early adopters free iPhone cases to resolve the issue. Last fall, the company released the iPhone 4S, which included a different type of antenna. Consumer Reports also had quite a bit to say recently about the Apple TV. Last year, Consumer Reports recommended the iPad 2, noting the second generation tablet was one of the best available at the time.