Keep Track Of Your Unseen Movies With Todo Movies

Todo Movies ($0.99) by Taphive GmbH is a gorgeous way to keep track of the movies you want to watch.
I know I can’t be the only person that has a ton of flicks that I still need to watch, right? Heck, I’ve even started to keep a project in OmniFocus for the movies and television shows that I need to watch, but I think I’ve found an even better way to manage this. I’m so glad that the folks at Taphive came up with this app, because it’s exactly what I’ve needed for a long time.

Basically, this app is a todo list, but specifically just for movies. Haven’t you always wanted something like this? It’s a much more fun way of keeping track of those still-need-to-watch films than a plain, boring list.
On the first launch, you’ll be greeted with an empty screen. The app will point out how to add your first movie.
You will need to search the database for the movies you want to add. Fortunately, though, the app searches as you type, so results will be delivered in real-time. Once you see the film that you want, tap on it to select it and view more information about it.
As you view a title, you will be able to see the movie poster art, and two buttons on the bottom allow you to add it to your list or share the title (email, Twitter, Facebook, or SMS). If you’re curious about film details, a tap of the top right button brings up release date, genre, runtime, rating, director, cast, and storyline information. What about those movies that aren’t released yet, but you are eager to see? Don’t worry, Todo Movies will even notify you when it comes out, if you enable it.
When you have added several movies to your “To Watch” list, you can organize them in three ways: Order (when they were added), Release, or Alphabetical. You will see the title of the movie, a thumbnail of the poster, release year, rating, and genre from the list in an organized fashion. For the upcoming releases, you’ll see what month and year they are out (with a standout blue text color), and even a day countdown if they’re coming up.

Manage to have watched one of your movies lately? Make sure to move it to the “Watched” list by selecting it from the To Watch and then tapping that large check mark at the bottom. And while you’re at it, don’t forget to tell your friends what you thought of it, especially if it was recommended by someone.
There are no settings to the app other than enabling a badge app icon, in case you really want some motivation. However, I would really like to see iCloud integration in the future, just so that my list can be kept intact (and perhaps even an iPad version too).
One of the reasons I know that this app was carefully crafted was the amount of detail that the developers put into it. A great example is the Share menu — it has that great animation when you “open” it, just like how the menu is in Path. The icons, appearance, and overall interface — it’s all beautiful.
I have been wanting an app like this for quite some time, and I’m very glad that someone has decided to make it happen.