Musician’s Corner: Practice Your Scales With Guitar Suite HD
by Lory Gil
August 20, 2012
It’s time again for Musician’s Corner, where we explore apps and accessories that we think musicians and music fans should know about. Last week, we reviewed Auria, one of the most comprehensive workhorse DAW apps in the App Store. What an amazing recording device. Apps like Auria give me hope that the iPad will actually be a legitimate recording device some day.
This week, we are going to take it down a notch and talk about an app that will help you practice the guitar. I know this is Musician’s Corner. I’m supposed to be appealing to people who already think of themselves as musicians. Guitar Suite HD is not a beginner’s app. It is a fairly comprehensive program for learning scales and chords. If you don’t already own a guitar, you can’t really take advantage of the things you will learn here.
The app opens with a guitar fret board. You will see a series of blue dots with letters on the board. Each dot represents where your finger would go on your guitar. For example, if the chord being displayed was a C Major, the board would show three blue dots. The “C” would be on the fourth fret of the “A” string. The “E” would be on the third fret of the “D” string and so on.
You can change the chord’s root note to display the finger placement for all notes on the fret board. You can also change the chord from major to minor or 5th, 6th, 7th, and so on, all the way to “augmented add 9th.”
As you can see, this is not an app for someone who has never picked up a guitar before. In fact, you have to at least be practiced in rudimentary guitar skills to understand where to place your fingers. Users can strum the virtual guitar strings to hear what the notes and chords should sound like, but this is not an app for pretending you are a rock god. It is an app for helping you become one.