The AppAdvice iOS 6 Quick Pick: Construction Ahead!
August 14, 2012
One of the most noteworthy changes coming to the iPhone/iPod touch and iPad with iOS 6 is the introduction of a new Maps app that is free from Google Maps support. Instead, Apple has completely redesigned the native app with the assistance of TomTom, Waze, and Yelp.
We’ve already discussed some of the app’s new features, including its 3-D mapping capabilities, turn-by-turn navigation tools, and the inclusion of safety alerts. Still, there are two new features we’ve left out, until now.
The Maps app now includes an important tool for travelers. Now, whenever there is construction ahead, or near you, you’ll see a Roadwork sign. Clicking on this will give you more information on the work being done, including the project's start date, and description. In addition, the Maps app includes a new zoom feature. Using it, drivers can see street names fading in and out.
We thank our reader Pete for bringing these new features to our attention.
If you’re using iOS 6 beta and find anything new and noteworthy that we missed, please send us a tip to: tips@appadvice.com.
As a reminder, iOS 6 is expected to arrive to the public on Sept. 12, which is the same day the sixth-generation iPhone is likely to debut.