You've Got Fan Mail In The New Version Of Tumblr For iPhone
September 6, 2012
The official iPhone app of the popular blogging and social networking platform Tumblr has once again received a reblog-worthy update.
This new major update comes just a little over two months after the app got its much-awaited 3.0 upgrade. Now, at version 3.1, Tumblr for iPhone introduces further welcome improvements.
The new version of the app finally brings full tag support. Now you can view both featured and tracked tags. What’s more, you can disable tracking for any of your tracked tags as well as track new ones right within the app. Just go to the app’s dedicated tag section to do any or all of the aforementioned tag-related actions.
Tumblr for iPhone now also boasts a couple of dashboard shortcuts. To quickly reblog a post on your dashboard, simply tap and hold the reblog icon. Similarly, to quickly bring up the sharing options for a post, just tap and hold the like icon.
Sending fan mail is also now supported in the app, as is signing up for a new Tumblr account.
Furthermore, the app lets you find new blogs to follow with the new Spotlight section along with the new Facebook and contact search tools. Unsurprisingly, there’s no tool for finding blogs through Twitter.
There’s also a new treatment, said to be rather “snazzy,” for notifications about likes, reblogs, and follows.
Tumblr 3.1 for iPhone is available now in the App Store for free.
“Our app just got even better,” says the iOS development team of Tumblr. Indeed it did. But you know what would make it even betterer? A native iPad version, that’s what.