Dr. Seuss Helps Those Experiencing Hunches In Bunches
February 15, 2013
Even if you can't count on having a romantic time tonight, at least you can rely on Oceanhouse Media offering you another classic Seuss story. Okay, it was a weak intro but, seriously, who doesn't crack a smile after reading one of those quirky tales? And today's uplifting title is Hunches in Bunches.
Being bored is tough, because there's a bunch to do. Although, we can never decide. Why is it all suddenly uncool? Just go have some fun riding your bike or gather up friends for an adventurous hike. So many hunches to do this and do that. I'm so confused, dizzy, in fact. If you could only make a decision to read this story, perhaps, oh perhaps, it will point you to glory.
Enhancing the reading experience, Hunches in Bunches contains the toolbar added to some earlier Seuss omBook allowing additional functionality and customization, such as page selection and personalized narrations.
Impressively implemented, the recording system allows for multiple narrators with per page management. Once setup, it’s easy to switch narrators, including back to the integrated professional recordings. In addition, personalized narrations can be shared as M4A files. The email makes it very simple for the recipient to import the narration into their copy of the omBook or listen to it using a supported audio player.
Of course, this omBook also features the standard “Read it Myself,” “Read to Me,” and “Auto Play” playback modes, plus words that are spoken and highlighted when tapped, noises and narrations when pictures are touched, as well as fun animations and sounds to help pages come alive. A wonderful combination of capabilities to complement the whimsical artwork of Theodor Seuss Geisel.
Hunches in Bunches is a universal app compatible with iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch running iOS 5.0 or later, and available in the App Store for $3.99. You can find all of Oceanhouse Media’s Dr. Seuss offerings via their website.
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