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Win Priority Matrix For iPad And Tackle Those To-Dos With Ease

Win Priority Matrix For iPad And Tackle Those To-Dos With Ease

May 15, 2013
AppAdvice has teamed up with Appfluence, our latest AppAdvice Daily podcast sponsor, in order to offer you a chance to win a copy of Priority Matrix ($2.99) for iPad. Putting a focus on priority, this task management app will help you stay on track of everything from performing routine yard work to putting together a new marketing campaign. The concept works by literally separating tasks into four color-coded quadrants that represent level of importance and urgency. All it takes is a single tap within an empty space to begin adding a new task or the tap of a title to start editing one. In addition to entering a title and description as well as assigning a due date and time, Priority Matrix allows attaching one of many identifying icons, setting an allotted time to complete the activity, and marking current progress percentage. If the full picture still becomes overwhelming, there are a few other tools that you can utilize to tame those to-dos. Located at the center of the quadrant, you'll see a directional crosshair. Simply tap and drag on the cursor to resize the areas as desired. Available in the bottom toolbar, among other things, are search and filtering menu buttons. At the top-right is a list view option, which also includes a search box, plus more filtered lists. To have a chance at randomly winning one of six Priority Matrix for iPad promo codes, just leave a relevant comment below. All entries must be received before May 15 at 11:59 p.m. PDT. Only one entry per person is allowed. Remember to also check your junk email box when the giveaway is over!

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Priority Matrix
Priority Matrix
Appfluence LLC

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