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Cydia Tweak: The Popular Springtomize 3 Now Plays Nice With iOS 7.1.x

Cydia Tweak: The Popular Springtomize 3 Now Plays Nice With iOS 7.1.x

July 8, 2014

Filippo Bigarella’s Springtomize 3 has received an anticipated update bringing support for iOS 7.1.0, iOS 7.1.1, and iOS 7.1.2.

As such, jailbreakers who’ve “liberated” their iOS device under iOS 7.1.x using the recently released Pangu method can now enjoy running Springtomize 3, the popular iOS customization package, under the latest iteration of Apple’s mobile OS.

Apart from iOS 7.1.x support, the updated Springtomize 3 also brings dark folders to the table, allowing users to black out the background of iOS app folders on their iOS device. Of course, this is just one of a huge number of customization options which are available in Springtomize 3. As we explained in a previous article addressing the package:

But what options does Springtomize 3 add? Well, for a start, users can alter how iOS app icons appear on their Home screen: you can change the app spacing, enable or disable animations, and add five applications to the iPhone’s dock. You can even hide the dock outright, if you like, or hide app labels, configure folders, and add or remove details to or from the Lock screen.

It’s definitely a smart package, and one jailbreakers should clearly consider taking for a spin. Besides the aforementioned changes, a large number of bug fixes have also been applied in the updated app, meaning Springtomize 3 should now be more stable than ever.

You can pick up Springtomize 3 on the Cydia Store for $2.99, though this most recent update can be downloaded and installed free of charge for owners of the package.

Check out the updated jailbreak tweak, or see: A Bad Day For Samsung As Profits Decline Once Again, Gameloft’s Modern Combat 5 Will Still Be An Online-Only Title, and Should You Upgrade To Apple’s iOS 8 Beta 3 Or OS X Yosemite Developer Preview 3?.

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