Popular Jailbreak Tweak Zeppelin Gets Updated For iOS 7
One more popular jailbreak tweak has been updated for iOS 7.
One more popular jailbreak tweak has been updated for iOS 7.
Not long ago we told you about Zeppelin - a jailbreak tweak that allows users to replace their carrier's name with one of several custom logos (as I'm sure you'll remember, I opted for the iconic Bat-Signal). Now, a jailbreak package called ZeppelinLogoPack has hit the Cydia Store which, as its name suggests, adds additional custom logos to the Zeppelin jailbreak tweak.
Jailbreak fans: Are you tired of “AT&T,” “Verizon,” “Sprint” – or, in my case, “vodafone UK” – sitting atop your iPhone’s springboard? Do you wish it was possible to replace the boring, old text with something fun, perhaps even something iconic? If your answer to both questions was a resounding “YES,” consider downloading a free tweak called Zeppelin from the Cydia Store.