Apple Apparently Canceling WWDC Tickets Of Ineligible Buyers
by Brent Dirks
April 26, 2012
After Apple received a large amount of criticism regarding how ticket sales to WWDC 2012 were handled, it appears that the company is attempting to free up some spots.
Macgasm noted that Apple is canceling WWDC ticket purchases of customers deemed ineligible to attend the event:
Two fairly prominent figures in the Apple tech world, Aaron Hillegass and Cabel Sasser, both tweeted that Apple cancelled their tickets. In Hillegass's case, his company Big Nerd Ranch, Inc. primarily does software training, consulting, and book publishing. The company does have four apps on the App Store currently, including Camp Where, Play This Note (Bass), Play This Note (Guitar) and eClicker Host. Cabel Sasser, however, is the co-founder of Panic, which is the company responsible for Transmit, Coda, and Unison. He too was denied access to the conference.But Hillegass went to Twitter with another theory:
Apple will not say why my tix were revoked, but it seems that if you bought multiple tix with one credit card, all were all revoked. — Aaron Hillegass (@AaronHillegass) April 26, 2012Ticket went on sale for WWDC, happening June 11-15 in San Francisco, very early morning yesterday. The event was sold out in less than two hours, surpassing last year's 12-hour window. Many developers on the West Coast were shut out because the tickets sold out so quickly. Expected to make an appearance at the event are iOS 6 and Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion. I'm glad to see Apple is making sure that only eligible developers are able to attend the yearly event. While it's not exactly the best way for Apple to handle the ticket situation and is bound to anger some, it looks like the company is trying to make sure that there are open spots for developers - hence the conference name.