Experience The Educational And Entertaining Story Of Alligator At Saw Grass Road
July 26, 2012
Oceanhouse Media and Soundprints continue to bring the wonders of the Smithsonian Collection into the digital age with a great new interactive experience. Joining the virtual bookshelf with omBooks like Penguin's Family, Ladybug at Orchard Avenue, and Otter on His Own, Alligator at Saw Grass Road is another educating and entertaining story from the Smithsonian Backyard Collection.
Alligator at Saw Grass Road tells the tale of a mother alligator who's difficult task of survival along with that of raising and defending her young results in some very interesting instinctive behaviors. Discover how the female gator creates a suitable nest, handy water hole, and exhibits other crafty and necessary maternal actions.
Not only can kids and parents learn neat facts about these creatures by following the heartwarming story, but even more facts are shared right before the conclusion of the book. Each slide follows the same narrative and interactive principles found throughout the rest of the app.
This omBook contain three ways to experience the story: "Read it Myself" allows reading and viewing the material in the same manner that traditional books would offer, "Read to Me" highlights each word as it is professional narrated, and "Auto Play" adds narration but also automatically turns the page when it is completed. This is a nice feature for very young children, or to just make the experience a little more like a movie.
Some additional features to promote reading and create even more enjoyment include words that are spoken and highlighted when tapped, noises and narrations when pictures are touched, plus fun animations and sounds to help pages come alive. Even a simple tap and hold on paragraphs is all it takes to restart a narration. A wonderful combination of capabilities to complement the beautiful artwork of Lori Anzalone.
Alligator at Saw Grass Road - Smithsonian's Backyard is a universal apps compatible with iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch running iOS 3.0 or later, and available in the App Store for $1.99. You can find all of Oceanhouse Media’s Smithsonian offerings via their website.
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