Minecraft - Pocket Edition 0.6.0 Brings Baby Animals, Fancy Clouds And More
January 30, 2013
Minecraft - Pocket Edition, the official iOS implementation of the hit sandbox indie game developed by Mojang, has just been updated to version 0.6.0.
According to Mojang game developer Jens Bergensten, this new update was "originally intended to be a small patch, but ended up having a lot of new features and tweaks."
The new features in Minecraft - Pocket Edition 0.6.0 are:
And the tweaks are:
- Signs
- Armor
- Baby animals
- Fancy clouds
- Improved D-pad
- Stonecutter for crafting stone blocks
- Sheep can be colored with dyes
- New block types: Netherrack, Nether Brick, Block of Quartz with 2 variants (pillar and chiseled), mossy/cracked Smooth Stone Brick variants (creative only), chiseled/smooth Sandstone variants
- New stairs: Nether Brick, Sandstone, Smooth Stone Brick, Quartz
- New slabs: Sandstone
- New item: Nether Brick (smelted from netherrack and crafted into nether brick tile)
- Upside-down stairs, corner stairs
- Slabs can be placed in up position (needs testing on small screens)
- Sand and Gravel are affected by gravity
If you can't see the video embedded above, please click here. To see the latest version of Minecraft - Pocket Edition in action, watch the video above. The video is from the livestream hosted by Mojang game developer Johan Bernhardsson and business developer Daniel Kaplan a couple of days ago. Better yet, download Minecraft - Pocket Edition 0.6.0 now in the App Store as a free update or as a new $6.99 download. The game is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad running iOS 4.3 or later Just a friendly reminder … Make sure you're actually downloading the official Minecraft game for iOS and not one of the many Minecraft rip-offs in the App Store. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]
- Recipes for crafting slabs give 6 slabs instead of 3 (as in PC version)
- Nether Reactor spawns Netherrack blocks instead of Obsidian
- The fog and sky color have changed
- The Nether Reactor now spawns more items
- Cows drop Leather