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Siri, Spotlight Search And Notification Center Revamped In iOS 7 Beta 4

Siri, Spotlight Search And Notification Center Revamped In iOS 7 Beta 4

July 29, 2013
Inching closer to an official release, Apple has continued to tweak iOS 7 with the latest beta version, which was released today. First up, as pictured, when you ask the Siri “What’s going on?” it will automatically check Twitter and show trending topics on the social networking service. Apple has also added a Q&A section to show users what kind of questions the virtual assistant can help answer. Spotlight search, which can be accessed by swiping down in the home screen, also has a revamped visual look and an added Cancel button. Finally, in the Notification Center, users can swipe between the Today, All, and Missed sections instead of only being able to select the appropriate button. The new beta has also seemingly confirmed that the next-generation iPhone will have a fingerprint sensor under the home button.

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