New Plague Inc. Mutation Introduces Challenging Strategy-Developing Scenarios
November 26, 2013
Plague Inc. has just undergone a brand new mutation. As we reported a month ago, the new mutation aka update introduces a new gameplay system to the "viral" strategy game.
As noted by developer Ndemic Creations, the new gameplay system involves scenarios that challenge players to develop new strategies based on real and fictional events:
If you can't see the video embedded above, please click here. Intiially, there are 15 scenarios in total. Two of these scenarios come free with the update, while the others are available via in-app purchase for $0.99 per scenario. A $2.99 in-app purchase is also offered to unlock all of the scenarios in the update plus those that are released in the future. Also including new events and achievements, performance improvements, game balance tweaks, and bug fixes, the newly mutated version of Plague Inc. is available now in the App Store as a free update or as a new $0.99 download.
- Real life diseases – begin the game with fully evolved, real life pathogens like the Black Death, Swine flu or HIV. Players can model how an outbreak would happen in real life as well as mutating the pathogen to try and get it to infect the whole world.
- Alternative universes – choose a pathogen to infect a world that has been impacted by something like a US Debt default, an outbreak of xenophobia or a new mini ice age. Players can see how different events can shape the ability of the world to respond to global pandemics and work out how to best exploit the new conditions.