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Fantastical Update Brings 12 Customizable Home Screen Widgets, Scribble for iPad

September 23, 2020

The great calendar app Fantastical has just been updated with two great features for iOS 14 and iPadOS 14.

Scribble for iPad

Scribble for iPad

First up, the app now offers 12 customizable widgets for your iPhone or iPad home screen. Some of the items you can include in widgets include the date, weather, calendar, upcoming events, and tasks.

And you choose from the three different sizes of widgets – small, medium, or large.

The other major addition is support for the iPad Scribble feature. With an Apple Pencil, you can handwrite a calendar event or tasks and it will automatically convert it into typed information.

Fantastical can be downloaded for free on the App Store and Mac App Store.

The basic, free version of the app is perfect for light use.

Widgets are free for all users. Premium features available in widgets, like multiple calendar sets and quick conference call joining, require a subscription.

If you’re looking to unlock all of the features, you’ll need to subscribe to Fantastical Premium. There are two different options, a yearly option of $39.99 or a monthly charge of $4.99. There is a 14-day free trial.

The subscription will unlock the premium features on all of the platforms.

A free Flexibits account is required with a premium subscription. That will allows for the events, tasks, and more to sync across different devices.