Stay, Mum

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Available Now: App Store
Genre: Puzzle
Platforms: Universal
Requirements: iOS 6.0+

Game Synopsis

Stay, Mum is a narrative-based physics puzzler that tells the story behind the relationship of a mother and son. Stay, Mum will let you manipulate different blocks to form surreal shapes out of little John’s wild imagination and explore the bittersweet relationship of John and his mother.


A heartfelt story

Discover the strength of the bond between mother and son in this beautiful puzzle game.

Physics-based puzzles

Experience realistic physics effects as you solve the puzzles.

Unique blocks

Discover a wide variety of special blocks that are all part of little John's wild imagination.


Lucid Labs

Lucid Labs is a small independent game development startup based out of New Delhi, India. We like to work on games that are experimental and artistic in nature. We make games that are not for the masses. Our debut game, "ROTO," was critically acclaimed all over the world and managed to get featured twice on the Apple App Store under 'Best New Games' in January 2015. "ROTO" also helped us realize that this is what we are going to do for the rest of our lives: make people happy with our games and of course, get famous while doing it.