Flick Color

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Available Now: App Store
Genre: Action
Platforms: Universal
Requirements: iOS 7.1+

Game Synopsis

Flick Color is a game about flicking the right color instead of the meaning of the word you see on the screen. It's a game about tricking your brain and it combines action that will appeal to even the most casual gamers.

What's The Game?

Flick Color is an intense action puzzle game where players must flick the object that matches the color of the word, not the meaning of the word that is on the screen. The game is meant to play tricks on your mind, and a true test to see if you can follow directions. How many points can you rack up?

What Makes it Fun?

It’s easy to play yet hard to master. Fun and fulfilling for everyone.

For Gamers That...

  • Enjoy casual games
  • Are looking for a quick fix game
  • Like puzzle games that trick your mind
  • Not For Gamers That...

  • Are looking for serious or story-based games
  • Developer

    ATP Creative

    ATP Creative was formed in 2009 in beautiful Sydney, Australia. The team is made up of indie developers who believe in crafting beautiful and fun apps.