Phoenix HD

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Available Now: App Store
Genre: Arcade
Platforms: Universal
Requirements: iOS 7.0+

Game Synopsis

Phoenix HD is an arcade shooter similar in concept to the original Phoenix game from the 1980s, except your ship is not in a fixed spot. You control the spaceship and blast shots to take out approaching enemies while dodging their attempts to eliminate you. Unlock unique ships, use power-ups for added force, and climb the location-based leaderboard.


Enter Bullet Hell

The classic arcade shoot e-m up bullet hell style, now on Apple TV. Unleash tons of fire power, and dodge a lot of incoming attacks.

Unleash Power-Ups

There are a ton of power-ups in Phoenix HD. That includes turning the tables with the epic Alpha Strike.

Battle Big Enemies

Enemy ships come in all shapes and sizes. The bigger they are...


Firi Games