Game Synopsis
Inspired by classics such as Lunar Lander and Super Mario World, Sky Chasers revolves around the character Max, who desires to become a true Sky Chaser. To earn his place, he builds a ship out of a cardboard box and embarks on an epic adventure through a magical world full of puzzles and challenges. We request that you help him achieve his goal.
Traverse a breathtaking environment
With intuitive two-touch controls, navigate Max to new heights while enjoying the pixel art view.
Experience a flying-based platformer
Rather than hopping on podium-style decks, you’ll swoop left and right, blast upwards, and float downwards to move about each level.
Conquer unique challenges
Let gravity be your friend as you escape attacking creatures, dodge hazardous terrain, and more.
Upgrade your aircraft
Equip your flying machine with weapons and gadgets, such as the claw attachment that can pick up enemies or other objects.
Lucky Kat Studios
An independent software development studio located in Hague, Netherlands. Consisting of a young and driven team of artists, Lucky Kat's mission is to create fun and challenging games that are easily accessible for players of all ages with their affinity for pixel art, hoping to make retro the future.
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