Sputnik Eyes

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Available Now: App Store
Genre: Puzzle
Platforms: Universal
Requirements: iOS 7.0+

Game Synopsis

Survey planets in an unknown universe with the help of your robotic companions by solving a puzzle of entwined pathways. Time is not on your side, so make it quick.

What's The Game?

Your objective is to scan exotic worlds by properly deploying little Eyes. Once on the surface, these robotic companions must be placed at their associated, color-coded positions, which are only reachable by a few paths. Therefore, you’ll need to utilize those logical thinking skills to determine the appropriate route for each robot, and do so very efficiently.

What Makes it Fun?

The game uses beautifully handcrafted graphics to uniquely recreate a very rare sliding puzzle mechanic, plus features amazing music. You won’t find anything like it in the App Store.

For Gamers That...

  • Enjoy a good brain workout, mind stimulation
  • Always dreamed about exploring space
  • Have a sweet spot for robots

Not For Gamers That...

  • Just want to shoot things
  • Prefer a casual puzzle challenge


Shelly Alon

Shelly Alon is an independent game developer living and working in Hamburg, Germany. After studying many fields of design as well as photography and animation, he taught himself how to code and began making games. Partyrs was the first project as an independent game developer.