Game Synopsis
Toby, the brave-hearted explorer, set out in search for the greatest treasure the world has ever seen. Deep in a lost cave, after years of excavating, he finally found what he was looking for, the elusive Golden Egg. Legend tells us, if given the proper amount of patience, love, and care the egg will grow into the most spectacular beast. Now, it’s time for an even bigger adventure, one filled to the brim with mystery, danger, excitement, whimsy, and much more. Oh, and plenty of amazing creatures.
Dive, dive
Explore watery depths with The Turtle. The best approach is to avoid enemies, but attack if you must.
Shoot 'em up
When it’s survival of the fittest, you can’t give into guilt. Just aim well and collect your catch.
Run Toby, run
After gathering every goody, make a mad dash to defend your catch and cash in.
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