Buy iTV Shows 2 For Less, But Get Even More
September 26, 2012
Most definitely an app for TV lovers, iTV Shows 2 isn't a general television guide like the very similarly named i.TV app. Instead, iTV Shows concentrates on tracking only the television series you care about. And now, you can enjoy more content with the extra screen space of the iPhone 5 and 5G iPod touch for even less money.
Simple and effective, iTV Shows 2 displays the episodes for just the television shows you choose rather than the entire TV listing of your provider. To make things even easier, the app displays only the next episode of each series to air, and separates them into time categories: "This week," "Next Week," and "Upcoming." In addition, you can view season lists, read an episode synopsis, watch previews, and share via email, Twitter, or Facebook.
As for iTV Shows 2 v2.1.1, iSpoon.fr has added support for the iPhone 5, providing a native full screen view and even more content on screen at once, as well as official compatibility with iOS 6. If that weren't enough, iTV Shows 2 price is being slashed by 66 percent for a short while.
The iTV Shows 2 app is designed for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch running iOS 5.1 or later, and available in the App Store at the limited time price of $0.99.
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