DailyCost Greatly Improves With New Currencies, iCloud Backup And More
March 13, 2013
The elegantly designed expense-tracking app DailyCost has just been updated with a number of significant improvements.
DailyCost, which I have come to use in tandem with Daily Income, is a simple yet functional finance app. And what makes it so is mainly its attractive and easy-to-use interface.
My colleague Tyler, in one of his AppsGoneFree posts in December last year, nicely summed up the details of DailyCost’s interface as follows:
Just pull down on the receipt tape to add an expense. You can then define an amount and pick a category. The amount you entered is accompanied by the category icon on the receipt tape for quick reference. You can also swipe left and right to tear the tape and see your totals from other days. The app includes the ability to reorganize categories, 10 currencies to choose from, and 11 wallpaper options.Well, that was before. While the app still supports those functions along with its 11 wallpaper options, the app now has more than 10 currencies. Way more than 10, in fact. By my count, DailyCost now supports 40 currencies, ranging from AED (Emirati Dirham) to ZAR (South African Rand). I'm also glad to see that my native currency, PHP (Philippine Peso), which I requested to be included, is also among the new currencies. It just goes to show that the app's sole developer, Guopeng Liang, does listen to customer feedback. In all likelihood, at least two of the other improvements in the latest DailyCost update are included in response to customer feedback. There's iCloud backup, which appears to be automatically enabled. And there's CSV data export via email, which you can initiate in the app's settings section. In the same section, you can now also set the app's week display to start on Monday, as opposed to Sunday. Other improvements brought by the update include: split cost/income in summary view, enhanced keyboard UI design, and language support for German, Greek, and Russian. Optimized for iPhone and iPod touch running iOS 5.0 or later, the new version of DailyCost is available now in the App Store. The app has gone free several times in the past few months. But if you weren't able to get it on any those occasions, you can download the new version of DailyCost now for $1.99. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]