Easily Keep Track Of Your Expenses This New Year With DailyCost
December 29, 2012
For the New Year, I've resolved to do a lot of things. One of these things is to keep track of my expenses on a daily basis. I figured that since I've already begun recording my income, it would be a good idea to also record my expenditure. For the former, I've been gladly using Daily Income. And for the latter, I'm set to use DailyCost.
Released in the App Store recently and updated more recently, DailyCost is an expense tracking app designed by an independent developer named Guopeng Liang. As stated in the app's App Store description, Liang designed DailyCost as a replacement for the many complicated apps he had been using.
Indeed, DailyCost is a simple expense tracking app. So simple, in fact, that it manages to take away the chore in having to frequently enter details of expenses.
It also doesn't hurt that DailyCost has a rather pleasant interface to complement its purpose.
My colleague Tyler, in a recent AppsGoneFree column featuring DailyCost, sums up the details of DailyCost's interface thus:
Just pull down on the receipt tape to add an expense. You can then define an amount and pick a category. The amount you entered is accompanied by the category icon on the receipt tape for quick reference. You can also swipe left and right to tear the tape and see your totals from other days. The app includes the ability to reorganize categories, 10 currencies to choose from, and 11 wallpaper options.Designed for iPhone and iPod touch, and optimized for iPhone 5 and the fifth-generation iPod touch, DailyCost is still on sale for the very low price of free. So, get it now and ring in the New Year with the welcome prospect of financial awareness. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]