Tweetbot for Mac gets new quoted tweet style and more
Tweetbot for Mac, the popular Twitter client for Mac developed by Tapbots, has just received a follow-up to its big 2.0 update earlier this month.
Tweetbot 2.0 for Mac most notably introduced a new, cleaner, and flatter design that looks and feels right at home on OS X Yosemite and closely resembles the appearance of Tweetbot for iPhone. It also came with several new features, including support for viewing up to three side-by-side columns and the ability to quickly see the corresponding tweet to an image on a profile view.
Now, Tweetbot 2.0.1 for Mac is here. And while it’s admittedly a minor release only, it nonetheless bring a couple of noteworthy additions.
One is support for Twitter’s style for quoted tweets, which was already added to Tweetbot for iPhone early last month. This lets you see quoted tweets right within your timeline and does away with the need to click them in order to read them in their detail views.
The other noteworthy improvement is support for longer direct messages. As announced by Twitter earlier this month, the 140-character limit on direct messages will be removed, apparently to better help Twitter compete against other messaging services. Accordingly, Tapbots has added support for longer direct messages to Tweetbot for Mac ahead of the change’s implementation sometime next month.
The latest update to Tweetbot for Mac also brings fixes for crashes when typing @mentions in the compose window and uploading a new profile image. It also includes speed improvements for account switching and various bug fixes.
Compatible with OS X 10.10 or later, Tweetbot for Mac is available on the Mac App Store for $12.99 — a not unreasonable price to pay for a Twitter client for Mac that’s significantly better than Twitter’s free official one.
Tweetbot for iPhone and Tweetbot for iPad (which, notoriously, is yet to be updated with a long-overdue redesign) are available on the App Store for $4.99 and $2.99, respectively.
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