Find amazing videos with TechTube TV for Apple TV
There are a lot of videos available online, but which ones are the best? TechTube TV helps you decide.
Now available for Apple TV, AppAdvice’s free TechTube TV features a curated stream of videos that appeal to techies, nerds, gadgets lovers, and thinkers. Perhaps someone like you.
Each day, TechTube highlights new videos worth checking out, from device reviews on The Verge to interesting TED talks. Each video is beautifully organized on a digital carousel that is easy to navigate with zero ads.
Among the videos now available on TechTube TV:
- Are we alone in the universe?
- Are tablets dead?
- The great tech migration
We hope you like TechTube TV and want it to become part of your daily routine. And know that this is just the start. We’ll be making TechTube TV even better in the weeks and months ahead.
Please let us know what you think by leaving a comment below. Better yet, send us a tweet.
TechTube TV is available on Apple TV.
See also: Apple TV’s universal search now supports Fox Now, FXNow and Nat Geo TV, The official TED app updated with 3D Touch, full optimization for the iPad Pro and more, and Oh man, you better Watch Yo! Back.