Get lightning fast conversions with Ångström on your iPhone

Ångström, the unit and currency converter (Free) by Alexander Babaev is the fastest converter app you’ll be able to get your hands on in the App Store. If other converter apps, such as Vert and Amount, just aren’t fast enough for your liking, then Ångström is worth checking out.
Personally, I believe a staple to have on any iPhone is a unit converter. I’ve had plenty of times when I need to convert something, and while you can probably just Google it, I don’t believe that you get the results fast enough, and it can be annoying if you don’t have a data connection. Fortunately, the App Store is filled with plenty of unit and currency converters, but let’s be honest — sometimes, even these aren’t good enough, because you have to go through a big list of units when you’re inputting a value and choosing the output. With Ångström, there’s none of that, so it’s the fastest converter available.

The design of Ångström is simple, clean, and highly efficient. The app’s white background may look bright and harsh at first, but it makes it super easy to read the text, which is in colors that are undemanding on the eyes. When you put them together with the white background, it’s a pleasant appearance to look at. The app also has smooth animations as results to your inquiries appear in real-time, which is a nice touch.
When Ångström is first launched, you will find a colored keypad above the standard iOS keyboard. This makes input easier since you don’t need to switch the keyboard.
By default, there will already be a value inserted on the first launch, but you can just delete it and input the value you want with the keypad. Once you have the value entered, begin typing in the units you want (including symbols), and Ångström will show you a list of units that you may want to choose from if there are multiple results. It’s fast and easy, as you only need to type in something like “45f” to get Fahrenheit converted to Celsius immediately. The converted result will show up on the other side of the equal sign, and will usually be the typical conversion, depending on the unit you chose. If it’s not, you can tap on the result and select a different unit to convert to.
You can refine your query as you type, so it feels natural. A tap on the equal sign will also swap the source and target. The result can also be copied to your clipboard by tapping on it to select it.

As you use Ångström more, you will accumulate a history of conversions within the app. If you add a space after your value, the app will convert all units from your history at once with the new value. This is a convenient feature, and makes life much easier, especially if you are constantly converting the same units.
Of course, the thing that we probably need conversions the most is currency. Ångström has all of the currencies available for conversion in the app, and everything is available offline for approximations. That means you can convert anywhere, even while on a flight or in the subway. However, while there is a connection, Ångström will keep the currency conversion rates updated constantly.
While Ångström is free to download and comes with basic conversions, there is an in-app purchase of $1.99 available to get the full unit pack. For most people, the free version should suffice for everyday needs, but I would recommend getting the in-app purchase anyway to support the developer, just because this is such a good app.
I always need a conversion app handy on my iPhone, and Ångström is my new app of choice. It’s intuitive to use and lightning fast, which is exactly what I want in a conversion app.
I highly recommend Ångström if you are looking for the perfect conversion app for your needs. You can get it on the App Store for the iPhone for free with in-app purchase.
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