Quirky App Of The Day: Get Your Ducks In A Row In Duck Life

Duck Life ($0.99) by MoFunZone Inc is an adorable racing game that’s more than just trying to reach the finish line first. Train your ducks to be the best champions that they can be by playing mini games. When you think your duck is in shape, head over to the tournament to compete in three different races.

Duck Life is based on an online flash game. Now on your iDevice, you can train your little ducklings to win the tournament. There are six different worlds for you to play through. Each world has a skill like running, swimming, or climbing that it features in the tournament.
In order to increase your ability in that skill, you need to meet with the trainer. Each trainer has three mini games that you play through every time you train. As you play these mini games, you increase your skill level.
There are coins that you collect as you play these mini games. You can use these coins to buy more energy for your duck, fun hats for them to wear, or even more ducks to race in the tournament.
In order to qualify for the tournament, you need to be able to beat other ducks in a race for the tickets. Once you’re strong enough to win, you can compete in the tournament. The tournament involves three races. It’s recommended that you have at least three ducks ready for racing before you compete. You can use the same duck for all three races, but the duck will be slower and have less energy for each successive race.
When you beat the tournament, you move on to the next world. You’ll learn a brand new skill set and start your training all over again.
There’s both a paid version and a free version of Duck Life. The free version is limited to only the first world and you can only train to level 20. Basically, the free version gives you enough experience with the game to determine if you want to purchase it or not.

I thought this game was adorable. I loved playing all the mini games and training my ducks. As satisfying as it is to win the tournament, the real fun is in all the training that you do first.
Duck Life is a universal app, and it’s available in the App Store for $0.99.
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