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BG Huts

Detailed contacts and features of the most popular huts in the Bulgarian mountains - the Rila, the Pirin, the Rhodopes and the Balkans

Detailed contacts and features of the most popular huts in the Bulgarian mountains - the Rila, the Pirin, the Rhodopes and the Balkans

BG Huts

by Emil Galov
BG Huts
BG Huts
BG Huts

What is it about?

Detailed contacts and features of the most popular huts in the Bulgarian mountains - the Rila, the Pirin, the Rhodopes and the Balkans. Here you can find the contacts of the huts: phones, e-mails, web site addresses, social media addresses, working times, working periods, activities around them, positions on the map, also short descriptions of the huts, facilities, many pictures of the hut's buildings and the regions around the huts.

BG Huts

App Details

Last updated
July 2, 2021
Release date
July 2, 2021
More info

App Screenshots

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App Store Description

Detailed contacts and features of the most popular huts in the Bulgarian mountains - the Rila, the Pirin, the Rhodopes and the Balkans. Here you can find the contacts of the huts: phones, e-mails, web site addresses, social media addresses, working times, working periods, activities around them, positions on the map, also short descriptions of the huts, facilities, many pictures of the hut's buildings and the regions around the huts.
Basic Language: English. Available Languages: German, Greek, Danish, Dutch, French, Herbew, Portugese, Russian, Turkish.

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