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Kennebec Behavioral Health

Kennebec Valley Mental Health Center dba Kennebec Behavioral Health (KBH) is located in the heart of central Maine and has been providing comprehensive community mental health services in Maine since 1960

Kennebec Valley Mental Health Center dba Kennebec Behavioral Health (KBH) is located in the heart of central Maine and has been providing comprehensive community mental health services in Maine since 1960

Kennebec Behavioral Health

by Kennebec Valley Mental Health Center dba Kennebec Behavioral Health
Kennebec Behavioral Health
Kennebec Behavioral Health
Kennebec Behavioral Health

What is it about?

Kennebec Valley Mental Health Center dba Kennebec Behavioral Health (KBH) is located in the heart of central Maine and has been providing comprehensive community mental health services in Maine since 1960. KBH offers clinic-based services including medication management and outpatient counseling for mental health, substance use disorder, and co-occurring disorders at five clinic locations in Augusta, Winthrop, Waterville, Farmington and Skowhegan. The agency also provides community-based services including case management services, residential services (from daily community support services to 24/7 on-site support), school-based services, home and community therapy and multi-systemic therapy services throughout the mid-Maine region and beyond. Outreach services are also offered in the community for adults, families and youth who are experiencing homelessness. KBH’s vision is a community in which everyone enjoys physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Kennebec Behavioral Health

App Details

Medical Health & Fitness
Last updated
March 9, 2021
Release date
October 29, 2020
More info

App Store Description

Kennebec Valley Mental Health Center dba Kennebec Behavioral Health (KBH) is located in the heart of central Maine and has been providing comprehensive community mental health services in Maine since 1960. KBH offers clinic-based services including medication management and outpatient counseling for mental health, substance use disorder, and co-occurring disorders at five clinic locations in Augusta, Winthrop, Waterville, Farmington and Skowhegan. The agency also provides community-based services including case management services, residential services (from daily community support services to 24/7 on-site support), school-based services, home and community therapy and multi-systemic therapy services throughout the mid-Maine region and beyond. Outreach services are also offered in the community for adults, families and youth who are experiencing homelessness. KBH’s vision is a community in which everyone enjoys physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

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