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Rhymit: Rhyming dictionary

Rhymit wants to find words that rhyme for you and help you make better lyrics, our functionalities:

Rhymit wants to find words that rhyme for you and help you make better lyrics, our functionalities:

Rhymit: Rhyming dictionary

by Ivo Fernandes
Rhymit: Rhyming dictionary
Rhymit: Rhyming dictionary
Rhymit: Rhyming dictionary

What is it about?

Rhymit wants to find words that rhyme for you and help you make better lyrics, our functionalities:

Rhymit: Rhyming dictionary

App Details

Utilities Music
Last updated
August 29, 2023
Release date
July 4, 2017
More info

App Screenshots

Rhymit: Rhyming dictionary screenshot-0
Rhymit: Rhyming dictionary screenshot-1
Rhymit: Rhyming dictionary screenshot-2
Rhymit: Rhyming dictionary screenshot-3

App Store Description

Rhymit wants to find words that rhyme for you and help you make better lyrics, our functionalities:
- the app works offline for free :) you just need to download for the languages you want, we strongly encourage
our users to download, it's just 30Mb for a single language, and it really makes a difference in the speed of the app, specially if you filter in near rhymes and the offline functionality also gives more features to the app like the search suggestions
- it has a text filter so you can do multisyllabic rhymes
- it has an editor mode so you can manage all your lyrics in a single app
- the editor also has a play lyrics with a teleprompter screen so you can have fun recording your music videos in an easy way
- it supports a lot of different languages
- light and dark mode, by default with select your system in the first run but you can always change it
- near rhymes instead of perfect rhymes, try to combine it the filter

Next features planned:
- Offline dictionary for all our languages
- Premium mode to remove ads
- Login with Facebook to backup lyrics of your editor to the cloud
- Multi syllablic rhymes search type, with combinations of words to achieve a rhymes in 3, 4, 5 last syllables
- Automatic evaluation of the lyrics, syllable counter and assonances
- Support more languages
- Improve the teleprompter so it can support filters, add scrolling lyrics to a final video

ideas about how to improve rhymit? Please share it in a review or contact me in facebook

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