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With reverse search, image discovery, and organizing stock images, this is a must-have app.

Shutterstock - Stock Photos

by Shutterstock Inc.
FREE in the App Store

Shutterstock keeps track of your recently viewed images for quick access and also provides great ways to find something new. Check out featured collections, what’s in the news, or select a specific category. From beauty and fashion to vintage photos, the selection is extensive.

Point, shoot, and search. Looking for similar images is a snap with Shutterstock. You can take a photo with your camera and then see all related images. Or, if you have one saved to your device, you can use that too. The app pops up many similar photos so you can find the exact one you are searching for.

Browse and discover. The app keeps track of your recently viewed images for quick access and also provides great ways to find something new. Check out featured collections, what’s in the news, or select a specific category. From beauty and fashion to vintage photos, the selection is extensive.

Smooth interface and experience. You can move through the images very easily with simple swipes. You can also pinch to zoom, see more images from that user, create lightboxes to organize photos, and quickly download those you want to keep.

What is it about?

Shutterstock is a handy app for looking for stock images. With a clean interface, tons of images, various ways to search, and high-resolution previews, this is a must-have app for those who work with images.

For those who...

  • Work with stock images
  • Need a large selection of images

Not for those who...

  • Do not work with stock images
  • Would rather create their own images

Why we love it

Shutterstock offers reverse search, lightboxes for organizing, and simple ways to find the images you want.

App Screenshots

App Details

Productivity Photo & Video
Last updated
December 20, 2024
Release date
November 2, 2011
More info

App Store Description

The best way to discover and purchase royalty-free images and videos on your mobile device. Browse over 310 million high-quality stock photos, illustrations, vectors, and videos from one of the world’s largest subscription-based stock library. Buy your content and share it easily—all within the app.

Explore high-quality stock images and videos, as well as expertly curated collections.

310+ million images and 17 million videos
Search a comprehensive library on the go: millions of royalty-free photos, images, illustrations, and videos.

Buy single images and videos, and access them on any device.

Save your content on both your desktop and mobile.

Create collections
Add your favorite images or videos to collections—organize, share, and download them anytime.

Fresh content
With over 150,000 new images and 70,000 new videos added daily, you can find everything your projects need.

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