Valletta 2018’s Cultural Programme is a busy calendar of cultural events attended by diverse audiences and demographics
Valletta 2018
What is it about?
Valletta 2018’s Cultural Programme is a busy calendar of cultural events attended by diverse audiences and demographics. The app will connect users to the Foundation in real time. While users will take advantage of a more accessible experience, the Foundation will gain access to a wealth of actionable data about its target audiences, their activities and sentiments.
App Screenshots
App Store Description
Valletta 2018’s Cultural Programme is a busy calendar of cultural events attended by diverse audiences and demographics. The app will connect users to the Foundation in real time. While users will take advantage of a more accessible experience, the Foundation will gain access to a wealth of actionable data about its target audiences, their activities and sentiments.
The application’s purpose is to create value for Valletta 2018’s audience. The app will serve as a pocket sized real time event guide for events taking place in various venues across Malta and Gozo. A user can share Cultural Programme events with friends via Facebook Messenger, SMS, WhatsApp and other commonly used messaging apps. This is most important for growth of user base, reaching more audiences and increasing awareness of and attendance at Cultural Programme events.
Using category selection during the signup process, a user can tailor the order of how the event feed is displayed. The feed category selection will be based on the current criteria shown in the Cultural Programme section of the website. A user who is interested in art will see an event feed that is different from a user interested in music. This can be further used for research purposes and provides valuable information of the public’s interests.
Users will have the possibility to add an event to their mobile calendars as a reminder to not miss the event and also to plan their schedules around it. A user can mark events as favourite to stay up to date with any event changes or updates. Favourites will be stacked away in a separate section for ease of future access. Push notifications will notify users of nearby events or newly added events.
Il-Programm Kulturali ta’ Valletta 2018 huwa kalendarju mimli b’avvenimenti li jattenduhom diversi udjenzi u demografiji. Din l-app tgħaqqad l-utenti mal-Fondazzjoni f’ħin reali. Minn naħa, dawk li jużaw l-app jieħdu vantaġġ minn esperjenza iktar aċċessibbli u min-naħa l-oħra, il-Fondazzjoni tiġbor minjiera ta’ dejta azzjonabbli dwar l-udjenzi fil-mira tagħha, l-attivitajiet tagħhom u kif iħossuhom.
L-għan tal-app hu li toħloq valur għall-udjenza ta’ Valletta 2018. Din l-app se sservi bħala gwida ta’ daqs ċkejken f’ħin reali għall-avvenimenti li jsiru f’diversi postijiet madwar Malta u Għawdex.
Dak li jkun jista’ jaqsam l-avvenimenti tal-Programm Kulturali mal-ħbieb permezz ta’ Facebook Messenger, b’SMS, b’WhatsApp u apps oħra komuni li jibagħtu l-messaġġi. Dan huwa importanti ħafna biex il-ħażna ta’ dawk li jużaw l-app tikber u jintlaħqu iktar udjenzi, filwaqt li jiżdiedu l-kuxjenza u l-attendenza għall-attivitajiet tal-Programm Kulturali.
Dawk li jużaw l-app jistgħu jfasslu l-ordni ta’ kif jidhru l-attivitajiet billi jagħżlu kategoriji diversi matul il-proċess ta’ reġistrazzjoni fl-app. L-għażla ta’ kategoriji li jidhru fil-feed se tkun mibnija fuq il-kriterji kurrenti li jidhru fit-taqsima tal-Programm Kulturali fuq is-sit. Dawk li jkunu interessati fl-arti jistgħu jaraw dawn l-avvenimenti l-ewwel u b’hekk l-ordni kif jidhru tkun differenti minn dik ta’ utenti interessati fil-mużika. Din l-għażla wkoll tista’ titħaddem iktar għal għanijiet ta’ riċerka u biex tipprovdi informazzjoni ta’ valur dwar l-interessi tal-pubbliku.
L-utenti se jkollhom il-possibbiltà li jżidu avveniment fil-kalendarju tal-mowbajl bħala tfakkira biex ma jitilfux l-avveniment, kif ukoll biex jippjanaw attivitajiet oħra madwaru. Dak li jkun jista’ jimmarka l-avvenimenti favoriti biex jibqa’ aġġornat ma’ bidliet jew aġġornamenti fl-avveniment.
Permezz tal-push notifications l-utenti jkunu mgħarrfa b’avvenimenti fil-qrib u avvenimenti ġodda miżjuda.
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