Review: iStudy
July 2, 2008
iStudy v0.91-2 | Published by Spicy Chicken | Via Installer App | Free
iStudy is designed to be a simple flashcard study program for the iPhone.
After writing a review with a rating of π, I was inspired to check out iStudy because I remembered there being a set of Greek letter flashcards in the installer (note: in order to run this program, you will need to have the Jiggy Runtime Enviroment installed on your device). So after downloading Jiggy, iStudy, and a flashcard set, let's see how it works...
iStudy is a no-frills program. Tapping on the icon takes to you a screen of installed flashcard sets, and tapping on the set takes you into the main screen:
The only visible controls are a button in the lower left hand corner to shuffle the questions, and a button in the upper right to select a new set. The screen is divided in half: the upper half displays the question, and the lower half can be double-tapped for the answer. There's no instructions to this effect, but to proceed to the next question you slide your finger from right-to-left (reviewing previous questions is done by the opposite motion). The big benefit of a program like this is the ability to make your own cards, and the process for this is detailed on the development page. You create two text files: One is questions, the other answers, one of each per line. I forsee the problem with this being that a single error in input will result in all your cards being mismatched. Also, you must manually upload the files into /var/root/Library/iFlashCards, which can be difficult for users unused to FTP (we'll be doing a tutorial on it soon, however). Summary I like the idea of iStudy, and was hoping I could use it for an upcoming test I'll be taking. But between a poor interface and less-than-easy method of creating your own cards, I have to say that this is a great idea with a lot of room for improvement. Usability: 3 / 5 Value: 3 / 5 Utility: 2 / 5 Aesthetics: 3 / 5 Overall Rating: 2.75 / 5