nrme is a little, simple app that locates you and then helps you see other users of the app in your vicinity. it joins a growing list of other location-based service (LBS) apps on the iPhone.
nrme certainly shows who is near me. And it made me feel exceptionally lonely. Cause no one was near me.
With nrme, you quickly set up an account, complete with a photo for your profile. Then the iPhone's location grabber shows you a map (it uses Google maps), presumably with folks near you.
By clicking the + button, you make quick status updates. It comes across as kind of the poor man's
Twinkle (though both are free). It's got a very simple and clean interface, and it's extremely easy to use.
No one is nrme. That's a problem. You've got to first cajole, beg or plead with other iPhone users in your area to use it. Otherwise, they won't be nru. And you'll be lonely.
Chances are, with the obscurity of this app, you won't be seeing anyone nru anytime in the near future either. Other apps like
iFob with a similar concept have gotten more press and face time. That's the primary downside as I see it. There's also no way to "invite" friends to be nrme. That one feature could turn it around. However, with Twinkle's "Nearby" feature and its connection to Twitter, I just don't see nrme as an app going anywhere.
Another possibility is integrating nrme as a feature inside of the app
Where? That app could use the features of nrme, and there's not currently a way to search for other iPhone users within it.
It works. But unless you are prepared to be a promotional agent for nrme in your area, you'll quickly notice that it's useless. Most likely, there isn't anyone nru. Darn.