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South Park Application Lives On

February 21, 2009
The jailbreak community has decided enough is enough. Instead of letting Apple get the final say in the South Park application rejection saga, the jailbreak community has brought the application new life. South Park Mobile is now available through Cydia for those of you that have jailbroken iPhones. It supposedly does the same (or is the same) things that the official application was supposed to do. We haven't personally tried the application, but if you do a quick search on Cydia you can try it out for yourselves. The South Park Mobile application requires firmware 2.2 or better. Don't have a jailbroken iPhone? Don't fret, there is more great South Park news. A fan made South Park site is now available for anyone wanting to watch all 13 seasons of South Park free of charge on their iPhone. Yup, free of charge, but they would appreciate donations to keep the site going. The site uses iPhone friendly Quicktime to play the episodes instead of Flash like the official South Park site. If you feel sort of dirty getting all of this for free, just read the boldly placed front page message from Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the creators of South Park:
“We’re always in favor of people downloading. It’s how a lot of people see the show. And it’s never hurt us. We’ve done nothing but be successful with the show. How could you ever get mad about somebody who wants to see your stuff?”
This doesn't mean that the site or the application is official but at this point we will take what we can get. [via iPhone Blog]

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