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Wanna Make A Video On Your iPhone?

February 19, 2009

Okay… I used to make some videos that were “animated” in a very crude style. I would use photographs and simply cut out the mouth and make it move via Photoshop. (They’re on Youtube. You should watch them and love them.) The point is, I often thought that if I could ever figure out how to write an iPhone app, it would be something like those videos. And now, here is an app that is very similar to those videos I used to make. (Which are on Youtube, you should check them out). I knew I had to review this app but I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about it. Would I be bitter because someone made something that I wanted to? Or would I be biased because so few people appreciate that crude “animation?” And is it any good?! Read on to find out. Read the full review