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Magnificent Gizmos & Gadgets - Build Gizmos And Watch Them Go!

April 22, 2009


Do you loves physics, puzzles, and pretending to be an engineer?  If you said yes to all three, you should fall deeply in love with Magnificent Gizmos & Gadgets, a game recently released by Publisher X. magnificentgizmos_screen The basic concept of the game is to create a device that is able to move a ball across the map into a goal using any means possible.  Take as much time as you want to create your gizmo, then simply hit the play button and watch it do its thing. Magnificent Gizmos & Gadgets really gives you a sense of accomplishment upon completing a level and that's a good thing considering there are 44 different levels to master.  You can also share your unique gizmos with your friends via email. If you were on the fence about physics-based puzzle games, this one may change your mind.  The graphics, gameplay, and overall fun factor all come together really well.  The game may be a bit of a challenge for some, but that's what hints are for. Magnificent Gizmos & Gadgets is currently available at the App Store for $4.99.  If you still can't decide if you want to take a chance on this game, just wait for our upcoming in-depth review, because after all, if our awesome reviewers can't help you make a decision, no one can.

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