Developer rmbrME has been hard at work creating their new application
beamME Pitch, but during that time they have also updated their other applications,
beamME pro and
beamME CV, to support the growing beast that is Twitter.
If you haven't heard of rmbrME's
beamME applications, here is a quick rundown. They are a series of business applications that allow you to send basically any type of file you can imagine from your iPhone via email, SMS, or Twitter in only a few simple steps. Your recipient isn't required to have any special software or even an iPhone for that matter, everything just works the way it is supposed to.

The added Twitter support to both
beamME pro and
beamME CV allows you to send everything you were able to send before through SMS or email, but through Twitter instead. To send a file to another Twitter user, simply enter the @userID address into the beam to line. Your file will be sent to the recipient's Twitter account via a direct message, this ensures confidentiality of the file. Since Twitter doesn't allow users to receive direct messages from other users who aren't following them, the program will first send an @reply to the user asking them to follow you. It all sounds complicated, but once the first message is sent, everything is done behind the scenes, allowing you to accomplish your task without worry.
As stated earlier, rmbrME has been working on their new application titled
beamME Pitch, which is now available at the App Store.
beamME Pitch does exactly what the title claims and more. It gives you the ability to send a PDF, PowerPoint, Word, or Text document from your iPhone or iPod touch to your intended recipient. The application is able to format the document correctly for viewing on a mobile device if necessary, and it even accompanies your document with your vCard and a custom message.
beamME Pitch also features Twitter support, contact mapping, contact feeds, and basically everything else you have come to expect from rmbrME applications.
beamME Pitch is available at the App Store for $5.99.
As an added bonus, for every rmbrME application that is purchased at the App Store, they will plant a tree in your honor thanks to their
partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation.