AIM Version 3.0.1 - What's New
by Robin Rhys
June 24, 2009
AIM is a social networking powerhouse and has dominated the market since it came onto the market. The iPhone has really re-invigorated users and now AIM is on almost everyone's phone.
So when 3.0 for the iPhone came out, there was no question that AIM would make use of Push. After close to a week of waiting for its release it finally arrived - so let's see what's new.
Push notifications come fast - almost immediately. AIM has really thought about the user experience since you can go into your settings and make changes that suit you, since not everyone wants Push the same way.
You can modify your settings within the app under Preferences > Push Notifications
You have the option for the notifications to:
- show the senders name
- not show the senders name
- Show full IM
- Show Partial IM
- Pop-up as a message
- Make a sound